Use discount code HOWLIDAY24 for 25% off your entire purchase*

*Does not apply to The Accompanist USB/links or Shake Russell's Gold to Me

Hello from Howlin' Dog!

Howlin’ Dog Records is a small label based in Alamosa, Colorado, dedicated to finding new ways to help artists get their music out into the world in today’s ever-changing music business. Our goal is to build relationships and community among artists, audiences, and supporters in ways that nurture the careers and growth of both the artist and our company.

​We are focused on the region “from Alamosa to Austin”, basically southern Colorado, New Mexico and down through Texas, and in a musical sense on acoustic through Americana to roots rock and blues. Focused but not limited - always up for an adventure!

Howlin’ Dog Records was started as a recording studio by musician, engineer and producer Don Richmond in the early 1980’s as a way to help artists in his high southwestern homeland of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico get their music out into the world. Don has recorded and/or produced well over a hundred independent releases.

With the addition of HDR partners David Clemmer’s vision, business expertise and deep belief in the music, Jana Pochop’s boots-on-the-ground promotional acumen and plugged-in sense of what’s working NOW, and Teri McCartney’s organizational, management, and communication skills, Howlin’ Dog has grown to be able to help selected artists with the entire lifespan of a record, from the initial planning and financing through recording and production and then into promotion and getting the word out to the world. And we do this always with a focus on the work that the music has to do in the world, bringing beauty, depth and meaning to everyone it touches. Music changes the world, saves lives, and can save the world if we do it right. That’s what we’re shooting for. If not, why bother?

In 2023, HDR founders created Howlin’ Dog Music Group (HDMG), a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to helping preserve and support the regional music we love and the artists that create it. The HDR label is now part of HDMG. Founded on the principles of community, collaboration, and commitment, HDMG works to address critical issues affecting the music industry today through direct investment, professional learning, and legacy preservation. Together with a broad community of music lovers, we aim to make a profound and lasting impact on the world.

If you have any questions or are interested in working with us in any capacity, please feel free to contact us!

Get in touch!

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